Kids Yoga – Why it’s a thing

The Australian Education system is great, don’t get me wrong but they are simply educating our children. Introducing Kids Yoga into a child’s life has SO many benefits. It creates Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds and Healthy Spirits and above all it is super FUN! Kids Yoga is very different to Adults Yoga, for one youContinue reading “Kids Yoga – Why it’s a thing”

Quick 30 Min Yoga Awakening Sequence

Quick, Quick, Quick. Rush, Rush, Rush. As a mother of young twins, I also work 30+ hours a week, sometimes time slips away from me. I know this is a common problem. If I can’t physically make it to Yoga, I try and self practise but even sometimes that is hard. I have a fewContinue reading “Quick 30 Min Yoga Awakening Sequence”

Creating Space

Creating Space is not only important during Asana, creating a space in your home for your meditation, pranayama or stillness practise is equally as important. Even if you have the smallest of apartments, finding and creating a sacred space will assist in quieting the mind. We are often reminded in Asana practise to create spaceContinue reading “Creating Space”

When EGO & Insecurities Collide

I recently came across the below article. Ladies, enjoy your sexy self, just stop calling it Yoga I understand where this lady is coming from. I probably shared her opinion earlier in the year, but I’ve come to realise that, yes there is an element of ego that comes along with these posts but ultimatelyContinue reading “When EGO & Insecurities Collide”

The benefits to reconnecting with Nature!

I recently took my visiting sister up to the mountains about an hour from where I live. We all know how much of a beach lover I am, I love the sand, the sound of the waves, I chase the sun and the moon but I seldom get out of town to the mountains. AsContinue reading “The benefits to reconnecting with Nature!”

Following My Inner Voice

In a previous post Ask and It Is Given I reference the continual need to ask ‘What is my Life’s Purpose?”  Having spoken to many men and women about this openly, I have unravelled that I am no the only at this age that has no idea what I want to be when I grow up.Continue reading “Following My Inner Voice”

One BIG Energy exchange

Isn’t that was Yoga is? While in Townsville visiting my parents over the Easter Break, I decided that I should try one of the yoga studios there. I had already done my four sessions for the week but wanted to try something different. And different it was. Firstly let me start by saying that theContinue reading “One BIG Energy exchange”

Get Rollin’

What does Yoga have to do with Roller Skating? Nothing & Everything all at once! After reconnecting with the roller skating rink recently after 20 years having not skated, we have definitely developed a passion to get rollin’ again. So much so the twins have been having lessons so we can get rollin’ as aContinue reading “Get Rollin’”

When the Universe puts on a show

Cyclone Debbie. An intense category 4 storm, Debbie has us all on our toes here in North Queensland. Similar to that of a full moon, the universal effect of Debbie has been magnificent. This is the first cyclone for the twins, so explaining to them that this is no normal storm has been a process. Me,Continue reading “When the Universe puts on a show”

Ask and It Is Given

Many years ago I had the pleasure of seeing Esther and Jerry Hicks (The teachings of Abraham) live. It was truely amazing. But here I am 9 years later still seeking out some of the same answers! I know I can’t be the only one. Lately I have been revisiting a lot of things thatContinue reading “Ask and It Is Given”

Tom Kha Gai Recipe

Mmmmmmmmm #GetInMyBelly  This is the new chicken soup for the soul!  Tom Kha Gai also known as Thai Coconut Soup is definitely one of my favourite soups. Rich in flavour this soup is not just for the winter months but is an all round, soul satisfying soup. The ingredient combinations make this a great soup for coldsContinue reading “Tom Kha Gai Recipe”

To Smudge or Not to Smudge?

There really is no choice. It has been said that burning sage is one of the oldest and purest methods of cleansing a person, group of people or space. With that said, it is only recently that I learnt of this. Commonly known as sage smudging, burning sage throughout the house, office or in anyContinue reading “To Smudge or Not to Smudge?”

Life & Balance

Perseverance. The last few weeks have been testing. I really didn’t feel like doing any yoga at all but deep down I knew it would be the very thing that I needed. I persevered and went to all of my usual yoga classes. Some days felt like I was just going through the motions, myContinue reading “Life & Balance”

Full Moon Sunset Yoga by the Beach

I asked a few Yogi friends if they wanted to join me in doing full moon yoga by the beach but I didn’t get any takers. I really wanted to do the class but it was a little out of my comfort zone. It wasn’t the yoga school I regularly practised with so I wouldn’tContinue reading “Full Moon Sunset Yoga by the Beach”

The Tibetan Singing Bowl

The first time I heard the Tibetan singing bowl during my yoga practise was intense. As someone who took singing lessons when I was younger and is musically inclined, I just loved the feeling of the sound moving through my body. There are so many benefits to incorporating this sound therapy into a yoga practise.Continue reading “The Tibetan Singing Bowl”

The Worry Tree

Favourite Find: After a beautiful Saturday morning meditative yoga class, a few of us regular yogis sat around discussing various anchors for ‘letting go’ and not bringing ‘stuff’ home with us. One of the ideas that was shared was a worry tree. A hanging tree not to dissimilar to a dream catcher where thoughts, feelingsContinue reading “The Worry Tree”